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Recent Reviews
The Cagneys
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935)
Something to Sing About (1937)
Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)
A Lion Is In the Streets (1953)
Man of a Thousand Faces (1957)
Never Steal Anything Small (1959)
Shake Hands With the Devil (1959)
Posts by Category
Tag Search Result for Donald Trump
- Deleting Instagram: Something Else
- Movie Review: The Order (2024)
- Please Don't Take a Picture
- Bush on Carter Throws Shade at Trump
- Samaritrophia 2025
- Dirtying Time
- 'The Shit-Crust of Need His Being Continually Sheds...'
- 20th Century Babies
- Quote of the Day
- A Gloriously Perverse Justification of Our Democratic Form of Government?
- Nov. 5, 2024
- Vote
- Times, Times, Times, Look What's Become of Them - III
- Russia First
- In Search of Lost Times
- Times, Times, Times, Look What's Becomes of Them
- John Roberts' Dipshit Jurisprudence
- Jong-Fast Reminds Us What Trump Does
- VICE Endorses VEEP
- I Believe in What Steve Kerr Believes
- Quote of the Day
- Elon Musk: Nukes 'Not as Scary as People Think'
- Trump's Press Pass
- It's Kamala! Part II
- Trump Promises Supporters That After 2024: 'We'll have it fixed so good you're not gonna have to vote'
- Donald Trump's KISS of Death
- Without Fear or Favor
- Trump Not Trump
- Reminder: The Man Who Cries Fake News is the Man Who Creates Fake News
- Something Important to Acknowledge
- The First Trump Lie in the NY Times Appeared in 1973
- Poking Holes in Potatoes
- 'Completely Off His Rocker'
- Who's the Kirk? Handicapping Presidential Races
- Trolling Thunder
- $83.3 Mil
- Trump to D.C. Circuit: Let Biden Assassinate Me
- Exit, Pursued
- Nah, Doesn't Remind Me of Anyone
- Gibbering Oafish Party
- Where The Hell She Came From: Jenna Ellis
- Powell, Chesebro & Ellis LLP
- Kraken Released?
- March 4
- Mets, Marlins, Nats, Braves
- Little Geezer
- Indictment III: The Quest for Peace
- George Will: Putin's Fifth Column is the GOP
- What's Your Headline on the Trump/Baier Interview?
- Happy Arraignment Day!
- Legal Reaction to Trump Indictment II
- Todd Chucked
- #DeSaster
- GOP To-Don't List
- 'Center Stage'
- Amen
- Guess the Lede in the Trump Indictment
- A Tale of Two Headlines: NYT
- Tucker Carlson Hates Donald Trump Passionately
- At 2023 CPAC, Bannon Trumps Trump
- Lancelot Links
- Republicans Just Want Trump to Die
- It's Not 'Classified Documents'; It's 'Willfully Retain' and 'Fail to Return'
- Our Screwed-Up Times in a Paragraph
- Trump Done/Not Done
- My Last Tweet
- Lint
- The Random-Nut Memo
- Repeat This Sentence Every Day Until the 2024 Election
- Weaponizing Americans
- Trump's Not-Final Scorecard
- 'If It Were Anyone Else...'
- Quote of the Decade
- June 12, 2017
- Num num num num num num num
- Donald Trump and the Doormat Duo: Mark Leibovich's Perfect Essay on GOP Cowardice and Opportunism
- Indict the Sumbitch Already
- The Pardon List
- Quote of the Year
- Roger Angell (1920-2022)
- Movie Review: Nation Aflame (1937)
- Reminder
- 'The Litany of Trump-Russia Intersections Remains Remarkable'
- 'More Likely Than Not'
- Just a Reminder to All the Useful Idiots Who Claim Trump Was 'Tough on Putin'
- That Mazars Letter, Translated
- McConnell vs. Trump: Fracases of the Jackasses
- 'Legitimate Political Discourse'
- Quote of the Day
- Joan Didion (1936-2021)
- JF Christie
- Chalk Lines
- Fox & Fascists: What Birtherism Gave Birth to
- If Anyone Would Like to Say a Few Words About the Deceased...
- Lancelot Links
- Days 9-12: Up Here, I'm Already Gone
- Lancelot Links
- Quotes of the Day
- Lancelot Links Looks for Some Good News
- Lancelot Links is Still Worried About Our Democracy
- Burn After Reading II
- What the Left Still Doesn't Get
- 'Any American'
- Trump v. McConnell
- Quote of Jan. 6
- Where We Are
- Open and Shut
- Brand New Day
- T Minus 2 Hours
- T Minus 12 Hours
- T Minus 17.5 Hours
- 'We Should Have a Deeper State': Michael Lewis on Trump, Presidential Transitions and the American Attitude Toward Government
- T Minus 114 Hours
- 'The Bill is Coming Due'
- Impeachment Now — Part II
- The Pandemic Year: A Reminder
- A Reckoning I
- Trump: The Reviews
- The Good News Today
- Jan. 6, 2021
- A Brother Named Ron
- My Talks with Jim Jordan
- The One Good Thing of 2020
- Movie Review: Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
- 49-2
- Trump Dissed by Trump Appointee
- Quote of the Day
- 'This Has to Stop'
- Thankful For
- Loser
- 'Democracy Has a Fundamental Assumption'
- 'Strained Legal Arguments Without Merit'
- Wayne County
- America Held Hostage, Day 17
- America Held Hostage, Day 15
- It Was the Worst of Times, It Was the Worst of Times
- This, Basically
- The Fall and Fall of the Republican Party
- 70 Million Trump Voters Can Be Wrong
- 'The people have[N'T] spoken, and we [DIS]respect the majesty of the Democratic system!'
- Not Much, How About You III
- Not Much, How About You, Cont.
- Not Much, How About You
- Daniel Dale's Tweets are Works of Art
- Trump's Loyalty Based Community and Worst-Case Scenarios on Election Day
- Lies, Damned Lies, and Trump, Cont.
- Son of a Scalia
- Voting Day
- Sasse-ing Trump
- Trump, and the Worse Devils of Our Nature
- U.S. Covid Case No. 7,279,109
- 'This is What Trump is Like. Every Day.'
- Trump's Taxes
- 2020 in a Tweet
- 'Given Mr. Carlson's Reputation...'
- Is This Why—Dare I Say It—Trump Will Lose?
- The M-A-G-A Took My Country Away
- What Trump Said About the Military
- My Talks with Trump III
- 'Hate Only Hides'
- Biden on Trump: 'He Can't Stop the Violence Because For Years He Fomented It'
- Dead On
- 'Telling Lies in Front of Flags'
- Quote of the Day
- Paragraph 21
- Gaffigan Kills
- A Tale of Two Tweets
- The 'Hoax' Hoax
- The Past is Prologue—or Donald Don't Learn
- America: Cannibal-Free Since 2020
- My Talks with Trump II
- Vast Right-Wing Hypocrisy
- Trump's Gettysburg Address
- Movie Review: A Lion Is in the Streets (1953)
- Trump's Pre-Existing Condition Promise Pre-Exists
- 'He Didn't Come to My Inauguration'
- Today's Republican Party
- Swan Song
- Jared Kushner's Covid Task Farce
- Chyron In His Sleep
- Lies, Damned Lies, and Trump
- Quote of the Day
- ‘Let’s Stop This Nonsense'
- Menstruating Man
- Tweet of the Day
- 1/100th
- Off-fense! Off-fense!
- ‘Former Neo-Nazi Says Trump Uses Language of Neo-Nazism’: The Headlines NPR Can't Hear
- Leaving Facebook VII
- Their Game
- Idiot Box
- ‘Slow the Testing Down, Please’
- Why ‘America First’ Could Never Work
- Daily Covid Cases, June 12
- Leaving Facebook IV
- Quote of the Day
- Vichyite
- Please Please Please Please Please
- For Whom the Trump Trolls
- The GOP has ‘Broken Free of Shame’
- Tweet of the Day
- The Monster in the Middle: A Few Thoughts on Unfriending Facebook
- Louis CK on Trump: ‘He Makes Everybody Pay’
- Trump Spills Beans on Why U.S. Coronavirus Response Has Been So Abysmal
- Reasoning Backwards with Dr. Christakis
- Test Fail
- ‘Legal to Lie to the FBI’
- ‘One of the Dumbest People Alive’
- The Unnatural
- 215 to 0
- Like a Blacklist for Everyone
- COVID-19 Update: More Widespread *and* Deadlier?
- ‘Ultimate Power, No Responsibility’
- Quotes of May 2017: ‘You Will Have a Pandemic’
- Quote of Last Month
- Trump: Total Authority, Zero Responsibility
- Franny and Donny
- Donald Jessica
- ‘Well-Oiled Machine’
- Anthony Fauci's Fine Balance
- The Chaotic, Leaderless White House Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Timeline
- If You're Wondering Where the Hell OANN Came From
- Tweet of the Day
- ‘The President Doesn’t Have Accurate Information': How NPR Contorts the Language and Avoids Responsibility
- ‘Totally Under Control’: What Trump Said About the Coronavirus in the First Months of the Pandemic
- 'I Want Them to Be Appreciative'
- My Talks with Trump I
- Quote of the Day
- Trump to Govs: ‘Get It Yourselves’
- Tweet of the Day
- A Failing
- Three Trips to Trader Joe's
- ‘Should We Be Doing This?’ A Coronavirus Update from the U.S. Epicenter
- Trump: ‘People Are Surprised That I Understand It’
- Why the GOP is Awful and Keeps Winning
- Miller Time?
- ‘Full-Blown National Security Crisis’
- Quote of the Year
- Stephen Colbert Ain't Joking Around
- What So Proudly He Failed
- Quote of the Day
- Training-Wheels Trump
- The Great Unravelling II
- The Great Unravelling
- Trump Impeached
- Check. Mate.
- The Winner of The Year in Stupidity, Of Course
- Gang of Putin
- ‘Everything You Need to Know’
- NATO/NPR Leadership
- Ms. Lithwick Warns
- Quote of the Day
- Trump Is Such an Idiot That...
- The John Dean Moment
- Trump Outsources Foreign Policy to Russian Gangsters
- Republican Sideshow
- Lancelot Links
- Mr. Suzuki If You're Nasty
- The Wonderful World of Sean Doolittle
- ‘The Floodgates May Have Opened’
- A Man, A Plan, A Numbskull
- Quote of the Day
- ‘I, in my Great and Unmatched Wisdom’
- Ukraine, et al.
- Yep
- Liddle' Shop of Horrors
- Rudy Can't Fail
- 'I Would Like You to Do Us a Favor, Though'
- Impeachment Now
- The List
- This.
- High Crimes, High Time
- 'I Cannot Imagine a More Corrupt Act...'
- Mitch McConnell Makes America Weak
- Pres. Shithead
- Has Donald Trump Ruined America Forever?
- ‘Don’t Be Stupid, Be a Smarty'
- The ‘Go Back’ Tweet
- Census and Sensibility
- Good-Bye To All That
- Epstein-Barr
- Happy 4th
- Quote of the Day
- King Donald's Ghost
- Things I Learned On Vacation in Belgium and France
- The Press Ain't Yellow, It's Chicken*
- And Then There Was One
- 792 and Counting
- The Biggest Loser
- Contempt
- 'A Casual Disdain and Contempt'
- Conspiracy Theorist in Chief
- Quote of the Day
- Mueller, Redacted
- Bolsonaro and Trump: Who's Worse?
- Tweet of the Day
- On Deep Background, Mueller's Team Pushes Back
- Pres. Biff
- In the Eye of a Hurricane
- 199 Criminal Charges
- Quote of the Day
- Tweet of the Day
- Yeah Yeah, That Adult Film Star Hush Money Thing with the President; Whatever
- Meadows By a Nose
- Encore
- Michael Cohen Speaks
- ‘He Does Not Know What Democracy Means’
- Happy Presidents Day 2019
- Quote of the Day
- Threat Level I
- Connected to the President
- Shelby County, Cont.
- Quote of the Day
- Tour Guide in Chief
- Rudy, Hitting the Showers
- Tweet of the Day
- ‘He Is’
- Hurricane Donald
- Lancelot Links
- Fear of a Blacklisting
- Something to Look Forward to in 2019
- Some Shitty 2018 New York Times Headlines
- USDA-Approved Anecdote
- Quote of the Day
- Inside the Building
- Little Grasp
- Trump: ‘Fuck the law. I don’t give a fuck about the law. I want my fucking money.'
- Corps Beliefs
- Tweet of the Day
- Tweet of the Day
- Lancelot Links
- For NPR, ‘Trump Implicated in Felony’ Creates Dilemma for Democrats
- Felonious Trump
- The Boss
- Quote of the Day
- Collusion, Collusion, Wear a Gas Mask and a Veil, Cont.
- U.S. to Mexicans 100 Years Ago: Come In, Don't Stay
- Armistice Day + 100: 'I do not believe that any of us loves a blustering nationality'
- WSJ: ‘The U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan has gathered evidence of Mr. Trump's participation in the transactions'
- Vote As If Your Country Depends on It, Cont.
- Vote As If Your Country Depends on It
- NP Fucking R
- ‘Vote as if Democracy Depends on it, Because it Does’
- Tweet of the Day
- Lock Him Up
- Caravans
- The One Way Trump is Jeffersonian
- What's Missing from ‘Fear’
- They All Laughed
- I Just Wasn't Made for These Times
- Best Trump Book Title (Thus Far)
- Shallow Deep Background
- His Own Asshole
- The Enemy Within
- Putin's Leaky Krysha
- 90%
- The Short, Unhappy Film Career of Dinesh D'Souza
- Testify
- The Face of Our Sky
- Quote of the Day
- Petty Pace
- The President's Statement on the Passing of John McCain
- All the President's Lies
- Q&A: NPR's David Greene Interviews ... Me
- Not Both Sides Now
- Movie Review: The King (2018)
- Orwell Warned Us
- Extraordinary! Really Wild Ride!
- ‘Lulu Garcia Navarro is Away’
- The Week that Wuz
- The Trump Tapes, Part I
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- NPR Sees Clarification in Trump's Obfuscation
- The Ambassador
- Ditto
- 12 Russian Intelligence Officers Indicted
- Star Strzok
- Wherever Trump is Pointing...
- Four Questions for Brett Kavanaugh
- NPR's Accountability Problem
- This is the President of the United States
- Flip a Cohen
- Song of the Summer
- ‘No Moral Center’
- 5 Shot Dead at The Capital
- Tweet of the Day
- George Will: ‘Vote against the GOP this November’
- Present at the Destruction
- Quote of the Day
- Trump's Delusional Reality Show
- Tweet of the Year
- U.S. President Gives Thumbs Up to Murderous Dictator
- Family Feud Nation
- How Can Donald Trump Protect America When ... ?
- The Agreed-Upon Facts of the Trump-Russia Investigation
- Pardon Our Mess
- America's Loss of Prestige in the Trump Era
- The Media's Absurd Dance with Donald J. Trump
- Quote of the Day
- Of the Trump, By the Trump, For the Trump
- ‘We Are Putting Our Country at Risk’
- A Nothing Burger with Everything On It
- Tweet of the Day (So Far)
- So Much Winning
- Lancelot Links Asks What's on Weibo?
- These Days are Ours
- Tweet of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Fiddling
- Scratch That. Reverse It.
- Quote of the Day
- The Story for Now
- Exit Stage Right? Trump's ‘Rampant Criminality’
- M's Game: Let's Do It Again
- Dammmmnn
- Meeting Xi Jinping
- Nuts and Bolton
- Brennan vs. Trump: Dawn of Justice?
- It's Not the Tweets
- In Case You Were Sleeping Well
- Trump, Hopeless
- The Quickening
- Under the Influence
- Quote of the Day
- NPR Thought It Thaw a Thaw
- The Zero-Sum Game of Putin and the GOP
- Roy Cohn Lives
- GOP: 'A Threat to National Security'
- Our Continuing National Nightmare
- A Succinct Answer to a Convoluted Question
- Presidential MLK Day Message: 'I Am Not a Racist'
- Wolff on Spencer on Trump
- And Here with the Response to the President, Pvt. John Winger...
- Who's 'Full-Fledged Nuts,' According to White House Staffer? In This Example, Not Him
- Contempt
- Bannon vs. Trump: Bumblers in the Jungle
- How Did Donald Embarrass Us/Himself Today? Cont.
- How Did Donald Embarrass Us/Himself Today?
- A Brief Conversation with Pres. Trump
- Ass(et)
- Send Trump to Miss Gates' Class
- God Bless Us, Everyone
- Mayer Exposes Racist Nonprofit; Trump Quotes Them Praising Him
- Movie Review: Black Legion (1937)
- Lancelot Links
- Lancelot Links
- Must-Read
- Rebuttal of the Day
- Breakfast with Trump
- Quote of the Day
- Virginia is for Lovers
- Quote of the Day
- NPR's Ron Elving Knows What He Signed Up For
- My Favorite Thing Today
- Nice Knowing You
- Star-Spangled Bummer
- Golfing While Puerto Rico Drowns
- 249 Days and Counting
- Our Story So Far
- Trump Bites Seshie
- It's the GOP, Stupid
- Trump is the Culmination of 50 Years of GOP Strategy
- Quotes of the Day in Another Crazy Week in America
- Quote for Donald Trump II
- Quote for Donald Trump
- Restraining Trump
- RE: Sessions
- 51-49
- 'Mr. Lizza? Anthony Scaramucci on Line 1'
- Trump's Trans Ban, the Rebuttal
- An American Travesty, Worn with Pride
- 'A Final Vote You'll Be Stuck With. Forever'
- Psst: New York Times, NPR, Et al.
- Sean Spicer, White House Press Secretary (Jan. 20 2017–July 20, 2017)
- Movie Review: Sa Jiao Nu Ren Zui Hao Ming (2014)
- Sean Spicer Resigns
- Dirty, Russian Money
- Ding Dong, Mitch is Dead
- The Canadian Dream
- Collusion, Collusion, Wear a Gas Mask and a Veil
- Trump Protest Songs: Elvis Costello's ‘Sunday’s Best' (1979)
- 'This Borders on Treason'
- Keillor on Baseball
- Frum Sums Up Trump Effrontery
- What's Crawling Beneath the American Rock
- Trump Law
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- How a Press Indictment in ‘The Insider’ Indicts the Press
- Tweet of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Our Denmark/Netherlands Trip: By the Numbers
- Lancelot Links Can't Stop Reading the News
- Everything Old Is New Again
- This Is Not a Drill
- OK, Can We Impeach NPR's Mara Liasson Then?
- 'Ineptitude So Surreal'
- The Baby in Chief
- Why Trump Fired Comey
- Now You're the Villain in Our History: Thoughts on James Comey's Recent Testimony
- The Failure of the Will
- Yep
- Another Day, Another Idiot Quote from Pres. Trump
- Being Where
- Movie Review: Beauty and the Beast (2017)
- Bye Bye, Bill
- Marching Orders: Tax Day 2017
- Quote of the Day
- Tweet of the Day
- 'Tension Between Immigrants and...?'
- Lancelot Links
- 1) Trump 2) Russia 3) Rest of America
- Yesterday, Clinton Watts Dropped a Bomb No One Is Hearing
- Could've Been Worse; Could've Been Jeter
- The Demand of a Dictator
- Movie Review: Rules Don't Apply (2016)
- Since You Asked
- Tweet of the Day
- American Democracy was on the Honor System; Now with Trump It's on the Dishonor System
- Quote of the Day
- Lancelot Links Confirms ‘Incidental Surveillance’ on Big Boy Driving Truckie Wuckie
- Rich to Trump Voters: 'Drop Dead'
- Quote of the Day
- 'I'm Looking at a Book'
- The Media Trump Wants But Doesn't Have (Yet)
- Quote of Last Month
- Tweet of the Day: Underminer in Chief
- Quote of the Day
- This
- Tweet of the Day
- NPR, Steve Inskeep, Pull Back from Tree to See Tree
- Compassionless Conservatism
- Lancelot Links
- The Most Frightening Thing about 'Last Night in Sweden'
- A Weekend Catching Up on Old Magazines
- The Science of Stopping Trump
- Quote of the Day
- Aftershocks
- Quote of the Day
- Tweet of the Day
- Lancelot Links Goes Shopping at Nordstrom
- NPR Uncovers Three Trump Supporters Still Supporting Trump
- A Modest Proposal
- Quote of the Day: The Madness of King Donald
- 'Oh No, Not Court'
- #ShePersisted
- Lancelot Links
- Trump's Incompetence is Feature, not Bug
- The Question Journalists Should be Asking Trump About His Anti-Refugee Ban
- Amen
- Quote of the Day
- Tweet of the Day
- Pres. Trump Holds Meeting Honoring Easter Sunday*
- Is It Denzel's to Lose Now?
- Tweet of the Day
- Tweet of the Day
- Lancelot Links: Goebbels Smiles
- Tweet of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Day 1: A View from Inside the Women's March
- The Con Artist in Chief
- Fist First
- The Asshat that Hate Produced
- Happy Birthday to Me
- Quote of the Day
- An Open Letter to NPR on Why They'll Never Get Another Penny From Me
- 'If you take it all seriously, it's a world crisis'
- The Trump-Putin Connection is an *American* Concern
- For Jan. 20, 2017
- What's the Matter with Martin County, Kentucky?
- Quote of the Year for 2017
- The Russian Hacking Scandal Makes Everything Worse
- Mitch McConnell: Traitor
- Trump and Taiwan: Bu Hao Yisi
- Never My President
- Other Than That, Mr. Pence, How Did You Like the Play?
- Genocidal Old Party
- Soul Searching
- A Cold and Broken Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen and the 2016 Election
- Quote of the Day
- I Wanted to Be Wrong: The Morning After the Worst Night in My American Life
- Two Quotes that Sum Up the Final 10 Days of the 2016 Election
- GOTV on Capitol Hill
- John Lewis GOTV
- GOTV 2016
- This Sums It Up
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- LA Times Endorses Clinton
- Quote of the Day
- Movie Review: Small Potatoes: Who Killed the USFL? (2009)
- The Naked Donald Statues
- Lancelot Links
- Trump's Words are Music to Hezbollah's Ears
- Patti Davis' Open Letter to Donald Trump
- Quote of the Day
- Lancelot Links
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- 'Donald Trump ... A Danger to the Republic'
- 'The Surreal Being Normalized'
- It Can't Happen Here
- Andrew Sullivan, Speaking for Me
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Trump is 'What America Was Founded to Resist'
- Catch 22 at the GOP Convention
- The Kindergartner in Chief
- Quote of the Day
- Donald Trump Before Game 7 of the 2004 ALCS
- Not The Onion
- Lancelot Links Goes to the 2016 Tonys
- Louis C.K. Endorses Hillary by Analogy
- Lancelot Links
- Quote of the Day
- Hamilton v. Trump
- Explaining Trump
- Lancelot Links Gets Bun Cha in Hanoi
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- The Reality TV Candidate
- What Liberal Hollywood? Trump's 'Air Force One' Entrance
- Lancelot Links Makes America Great Again
- The Seattle Response to Paul O'Neill's Endorsement of Donald Trump
- Lancelot Links
- Linking the Koch Brothers' Chain
- Lancelot Links Loses It at the 2016 Oscars
- Washington, Obama...Trump?
- Trump: Women and Children First
- Can We Make Sense of Trump?
- Quote of the Day
- Captain America vs. Donald Trump
- Lancelot Links
- Palin Endorses, Trump Grimaces
- Oops
- 'A Dark Side to the American Populace' or Where Have You Gone, John McCain?
- How to Win Primaries and Influence the Conversation
- Why Trump Appeals ... to Politicians
- American Exceptionalism, and Why Donald Trump is Against It
- My Second Meme
- Ranking the Sad, Orwellian, Burt-Reynolds-in-a-1970s-Car-Chase-Movie Codenames the GOP Candidates Chose for Themselves
- Dreamin' World War III Blues
- If You Google 'Trump Mussolini'...
- The New Clod Worship Isn't New
- Lancelot Links
- Other Things Donald Trump Likes
- Go Set a Lancelot Links
- Best Paragraph I've Read This Week
- Lancelot Links in Cars Getting 'Right Stuff' References
- Lancelot Links
- Fifty Years Later, The Hamster Wheel Answers Philip Roth