erik lundegaard


Thursday July 16, 2020

Menstruating Man

“Donald Trump bears very little in common with any actual woman I know. But, oddly, he has a lot in common with the basest, most unfair stereotypes of femininity. He is ruled by feelings rather than facts. He is fickle, gossipy and easily grossed out. He uses florid language, like ‘beautiful’ and ‘perfect,’ and says he and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un ‘fell in love.’ He deals with adversity like a Mean Girl with a burn book, via insults and freeze-outs. For any Neanderthal who has ever feared electing a female president because what if she's too cranky when she's on her period — congratulations. For approximately 1,300 days, you have had a menstruating man in the Oval Office.”

— Monica Hesse, “The weird masculinity of Donald Trump,” Washington Post

Posted at 10:17 AM on Thursday July 16, 2020 in category Quote of the Day