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A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935)
Something to Sing About (1937)
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Never Steal Anything Small (1959)
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Tag Search Result for Ronald Reagan
- The Politics of Politesse
- Movie Review: The Angels Wash Their Faces (1939)
- Movie Review: The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart (2020)
- 'We Should Have a Deeper State': Michael Lewis on Trump, Presidential Transitions and the American Attitude Toward Government
- Movie Review: Boy Meets Girl (1938)
- Movie Review: Meeting Gorbachev (2019)
- Quote of the Day
- Trump: ‘Fuck the law. I don’t give a fuck about the law. I want my fucking money.'
- Movie Review: Hell's Kitchen (1939)
- Movie Review: The Mayor of Hell (1933)
- George Papadopoulos in Crime School
- Movie Review: 1985 (2018)
- Irony & Wine
- Movie Review: American Made (2017)
- The Far Right is Sending Children to Lie to Us
- Movie Review: 20th Century Women (2016)
- Patti Davis' Open Letter to Donald Trump
- The Reality TV Candidate
- Lancelot Links is Not Throwin' Away Its Shot
- Bunny Redux
- Lancelot Links
- Paul Krugman on GOP Political Poseurs on the 10th Anniversary of Katrina
- Movie Review: Inherent Vice (2014)
- 'Invisible Bridge' Author Rick Perlstein on 'Rocky,' 'Roots,' and Whether Reaganism Needed Reagan
- Q&A: In Bed with Rick Perlstein
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- How Ronald Reagan Helped Integrate Baseball, or the Birth of Truthiness
- Ronald Reagan's Message to George Clooney, Matt Damon, Et al.
- Quote of the Day
- Frank Rich on Rick Perlstein on Ronald Reagan
- Quote of the Day
- Rick Perlstein on the Rise of Reagan
- From the 'Unmade Movies' File: Ronald Reagan, Commie
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Movie Review: Inequality for All (2013)
- Where I Agree with Scalia
- Quote of the Day
- George W.S. Trow and the Problem of the Final Failed Connection
- Quote of the Day
- Did Superman Resurrect Patriotism? On Truth, Innocence, and the American Way
- Movie Review: Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)
- Reagan, Before the Lightning Struck
- Movie Review: How to Survive a Plague (2012)
- The New Hollywood 10: How Stars on the Left are Punished; How Stars on the Right Punish Us
- Early GOP Brass
- Gore Vidal Quote of the Day I
- The Politics of Resenting Those with Less
- U.S. Presidents on Film