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A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935)
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Never Steal Anything Small (1959)
Shake Hands With the Devil (1959)
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Tag Search Result for GOP
- The Politics of Politesse
- 'The Shit-Crust of Need His Being Continually Sheds...'
- Quote of the Day
- Vote
- GOP Desperation?
- Who's the Kirk? Handicapping Presidential Races
- Trolling Thunder
- The Do-Nothing Party
- The World According to GOP
- Gibbering Oafish Party
- Mets, Marlins, Nats, Braves
- George Will: Putin's Fifth Column is the GOP
- Todd Chucked
- When?
- A Tale of Two Headlines: NYT
- Republicans Just Want Trump to Die
- Trump Done/Not Done
- The 2022 Midterms
- Movie Review: Hot Saturday (1932)
- The Random-Nut Memo
- Weaponizing Americans
- Quote of the Decade
- June 12, 2017
- Donald Trump and the Doormat Duo: Mark Leibovich's Perfect Essay on GOP Cowardice and Opportunism
- Quote of the Year
- Uvalde
- Movie Review: Nation Aflame (1937)
- Reminder
- Right-Wing Christian Cancel Culture
- The World As We Know It Will End Because of Fossil-Fuel Interests, Joe Manchin and the Republican Party
- McConnell vs. Trump: Fracases of the Jackasses
- Quote of the Day
- Lancelot Links
- JF Christie
- Chalk Lines
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Pandemic
- Jane Mayer's Article
- My First COVID Test
- The Democratic Party Needs to Listen to Marc Maron More Often
- What the Left Still Doesn't Get
- Rush Limbaugh (1951-2021)
- Trump v. McConnell
- Jan. 6, 2021 (Cont.)
- The Good News Today
- Jan. 6, 2021
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- 'This Has to Stop'
- Loser
- Wayne County
- The Fall and Fall of the Republican Party
- It Was Never About...
- 'Telling Lies in Front of Flags'
- How Two 1922 Newspapers Headlined the Same Syndicated Article about Hitler, and the Lesson It Holds for Today's Media
- Vast Right-Wing Hypocrisy
- Today's Republican Party
- Off-fense! Off-fense!
- Their Game
- Vichyite
- The GOP has ‘Broken Free of Shame’
- If You're Wondering Where the Hell OANN Came From
- Why the GOP is Awful and Keeps Winning
- Quote of the Year
- Tweet of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Check. Mate.
- Gang of Putin
- Ms. Lithwick Warns
- Quote of the Day
- Republican Sideshow
- This.
- Mitch McConnell Makes America Weak
- ‘Don’t Be Stupid, Be a Smarty'
- Census and Sensibility
- And Then There Was One
- Godawful Party
- Meadows By a Nose
- Michael Cohen Speaks
- Tweet of the Day
- Shelby County, Cont.
- Quote of the Day
- Nixon '46 > Trump '16
- The Never-Ending Campaigns, Inc.
- Vote As If Your Country Depends on It, Cont.
- ‘Vote as if Democracy Depends on it, Because it Does’
- Tweet of the Day
- One Moment from the Seattle Times' coverage of the Schrier-Rossi Debate You Won't Hear More About
- Kava-nah
- A Housley Divided Against Herself
- John McCain (1936-2018)
- Quote of the Day
- Ditto
- Star Strzok
- George Will: ‘Vote against the GOP this November’
- Trump's Delusional Reality Show
- Pardon Our Mess
- The Media's Absurd Dance with Donald J. Trump
- Tweet of the Day
- Shining City on a Hollywood Hill
- Quote of the Day
- What I Saw at the Revolution
- It's Not the Tweets
- Someone Finally Said It
- ‘It doesn’t seem to matter to our government that children are being shot to death day after day'
- The Zero-Sum Game of Putin and the GOP
- Roy Cohn Lives
- 'A Massive Transfer of Wealth to the Very Rich' = 'A Win' to NPR
- Virginia is for Lovers
- Quote of the Day
- The Long Con of the Conservative
- Lancelot Links Takes a Knee
- Our Story So Far
- It's the GOP, Stupid
- Restraining Trump
- 51-49
- The Skinny on the Skinny Repeal Bill
- An American Travesty, Worn with Pride
- 'A Final Vote You'll Be Stuck With. Forever'
- Quote of the Day
- Ding Dong, Mitch is Dead
- Keillor on Baseball
- When They Go Low, We Kick Them in the Face
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- 'One of the Cruelest Pieces of Legislation': An Update
- NPR: Drug Addicts Attack NJ Rep Whose Daughter Died at Age 11
- Tweet of the Day
- It's Been a Bad Day, Please Don't Take a Picture
- The Far Right is Sending Children to Lie to Us
- Wintrich of Our Discontent
- WWADD? Ask a Republican
- NPR Reduces Nunes' Actions to 'Partisan Bickering'
- The Demand of a Dictator
- Rich to Trump Voters: 'Drop Dead'
- Instead of Feet to the Fire, NPR's Steve Inskeep Gives Sen. Orrin Hatch a Footrub
- One of the Greatest Lines in Movie History
- Lancelot Links
- A Few Quotes on the GOP Health Care Plan
- This
- NPR, Steve Inskeep, Pull Back from Tree to See Tree
- Kassinine
- Lancelot Links
- Tweet of the Day
- Trump's Incompetence is Feature, not Bug
- How Mitch McConnell Lost His Soul: a Tragedy (for the Country) in 24 Quotes
- Tweet(s) of the Day
- What's the Matter with Martin County, Kentucky?
- Genocidal Old Party
- Soul Searching
- This Sums It Up
- Quote of the Day
- 'The Surreal Being Normalized'
- Trump is 'What America Was Founded to Resist'
- Quotes of the Day: Welcome Back Sully Edition
- Catch 22 at the GOP Convention
- Not The Onion
- Quote of the Day
- Something Else
- Quote of the Day
- Bending Over Backwards in Different Directions
- Quote of the Day
- Linking the Koch Brothers' Chain
- Someone Needs to Bitchslap Jeffrey Lord
- NY Times: 'Senate Republicans Lose Their Minds'
- 15 SCOTUS Justices Have Been Nominated and Confirmed During Election Years
- Quote of the Day
- Trump: Women and Children First
- Can We Make Sense of Trump?
- Where the Koch Family Fortune Began
- Lancelot Links
- Palin Endorses, Trump Grimaces
- Movie Review: 2016: Obama's America (2012)
- Quote of the Day
- How to Win Primaries and Influence the Conversation
- Quote of the Day
- The Mainstream Media Strikes Back (Finally!)
- Quote of the Day
- Apocalypse Again
- Quote of the Day
- Nathan Lane on the GOP Candidates
- Lancelot Links
- Ranking the Sad, Orwellian, Burt-Reynolds-in-a-1970s-Car-Chase-Movie Codenames the GOP Candidates Chose for Themselves
- Paul Krugman on GOP Political Poseurs on the 10th Anniversary of Katrina
- Lancelot Links
- Spot the Difference Between the Mass Murderer and the GOP Candidate for President
- Quote of the Day: 'If I understand the history correctly...'
- Quotes of the Day
- Lancelot Links
- Quote of the Day
- Obama's Veto of the Keystone XL Pipeline is the Third of His Presidency; What Does That Mean Historically?
- Quote of the Day
- The Best #SOTU Ever?
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Year
- Lancelot Links
- Election 2014: Voters Tired of Obstructionists in Congress, Vote for More Obstructionists in Congress
- OK, Better Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Cantor, Now Castrato
- Quote of the Day
- The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations for Right-Wing Pundits
- Hank Aaron: Modern GOP = KKK
- Quote of the Day
- Major Burn on Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK)
- Quote of the Day
- Drowning Rousseau
- A Conservative Theology Becoming a Revolutionary Idea by Attracting the Non-Urban and Marginalized: A Quiz
- Dr. Frankenstein, Meet Monster
- Quote of the Day
- Objectivity Is Not Stupidity: The Culpability of the Mainstream Media in the Government Shutdown
- How Nutjob Republicans in Congress are Destroying Democracy as We Know It
- Quote of the Day
- Quotes of the Day on the Government Shutdown
- Quote of the Day
- When is the GOP Going to Take Back the GOP?
- Quote of the Day
- FOX-News Producer: 'We're not here to be fair. We're here to give red meat to our viewers'
- Reagan, Before the Lightning Struck
- White House Correspondents Dinner: Obama with an Edge
- James Baldwin Explains FOX-News in 1959
- Lancelot Links
- Sarah Palin, Big Gulp, and Freedom in America
- Pareene on Gohmert at CPAC
- Moynihan's 1967 Warning to Democrats Now Applies to Republicans
- Why the GOP Sucks: Your Stat of the Day
- Our Country, Our Song
- What Does the GOP Stand For?
- Quote of the Day
- David Denby's Defense of Clint Eastwood—Annotated
- Your Liberal Media at Work: The Times' Awful Puff-Piece on the New Mitt RomneyAnnotated
- Counter-Programming: Movies to Watch During the GOP Convention
- Quote of the Day
- That Right-Wing, Uncle Sam Billboard near Chehalis, Wash.
- What Liberal Hollywood? Refuting Jonathan Chait's New York Magazine Piece
- Gore Vidal Quote of the Day XX
- A Legitimate Choice
- Quote of the Day
- The Politics of Resenting Those with Less
- Movie Review: The Revisionaries (2012)
- The Myth of Job Creators
- What's the Sweet Spot for Nostalgia: 20 Years? 40? Or Is It All About the Boomers?
- Adam Gopnik on 'Mad Men' and Nostalgia: Is He Off by 20 years?
- Why Democratic Veeps Run for President; Why Republican Veeps Don't
- Quote of the Day
- Lancelot Links
- Conservatives Disrespecting Authority
- Why Job Creators Is Such a Lie
- Quote of the Day
- Obama, the GOP and Terrence Malick's “The Tree of Life”
- Lessons in Headline-Making
- Quote of the Day
- Hertzberg on the Midterms
- Travels: Rehoboth Beach, Del.: Tea Shirts
- Three Winston Churchill Quotes to Use Against Conservatives Who Quote Winston Churchill
- Gopnik on Salinger
- Who's Controlling the News? Not Auletta
- Lancelot Links
- The More Republicans Change: Anger, Paranoia, and Visions of Apocalypse at the 1976 Republican Convention
- Town Hall
- The Reverse Debate Idea
- Wearing Wool Caps in 100 Degree Weather
- The Right-Wing Pisses on You—Literally
- Quote of the Day
- “The Most Vicious Smear Campaign Ever Mounted Against an American Politician”
- Tom Toles is Genius
- G.O.P.: The Party of Stupid