erik lundegaard


Wednesday April 20, 2011

Tim Hetherington (1970-2011)

I just heard the news about Tim Hetherington.

A year ago I saw him at the Harvard Exit in Seattle, tall and thin and British, a photojournalist mostly, standing next to Sebastian Junger, short and broad and American, an author mostly, and his co-director on the documentary we'd all just watched: “Restrepo.” Both calmly answered questions from the partisan Seattle poster for RestrepoInternational Film Festival crowd about the politics of war and the politics of documentary. A few in the crowd, like Jeff Wells later, wanted “Restrepo” to be more political: the how and the why we're in Afghanistan. They felt “Restrepo” somehow lacked. I was stunned. I was stunned by the stupidity of the questions and by the power of the film. I've urged it on everyone since. I doubt there's a movie I mentioned more in the last year. I was a broken record.


Maybe someday they will.

Rest in peace, Mr. Hetherington. Emphasis on peace.

Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington during the making of "Restrepo"

Junger, left, and Hetherington during the filming of “Restrepo”

Posted at 03:24 PM on Wednesday April 20, 2011 in category Movies - Documentaries