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Thursday February 25, 2016
Lancelot Links is Not Throwin' Away Its Shot
- From November 2015: PBS' “The News Hour” on Lin-Manuel Miranda's hip-hop musical “Hamilton.” Yes, about the 10-dollar founding father without a father.
- I didn't know this: Miranda went to the same high school as MSNBC's Chris Hayes, who interviewed him almost a year ago, in March 2015.
- A lot of encomiums in the wake of Justice Scalia's wake. But not from the man my friend Adam calls “Toobs”: Jeffrey Toobin.
- Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) gives a nice speech about the unprecedented obstructionism by Mitch McConnell on the Scalia vacancy. Shorter version: Mitch McConnell is a big fat idiot, and other observations.
- Pres. Obama actually has a piece on SCOTUSblog on the subject: “A Responsibility I Take Seriously.” laying out what he's looking for in a SCOTUS justice: 1) supremely qualified; 2) someone who interpets the law, doesn't make it; and 3) someone with real world experience, who, in particularly gray areas, won't rely on the law's footnotes but that experience.
- Even the usually staid NY Times Op-Ed has had it with the GOP and reports, “Senate Republican Lose Their Minds On a Supreme Court Seat.”
- Reagan scholar Jacob Weisberg on how the modern GOP is betraying the legacy of Ronald Reagan in the name of Ronald Reagan.
- Nice piece in the Times on how the journalists in “Spotlight” view the experience of seeing themselves on the big screen.
- The Post has an advantage: “Spotlight”'s managing editor, Marty Baron, is now the Post's managing editor. So he wrote his own piece about the experience. Colleagues seem to think Liev Schreiber's Baron was pretty good. “He nailed you,” people said. After two hours. Really, both pieces are in praise of actors as well as journalists.
- Reporter Julia B. Chan of counts down the favorite movies about journalism by journalists. Or at least the few hanging out in her office. My top 3 is their top top 3, just in a different order.
- And from the Dept. of Here's Why We Can't Have Nice Things: an excellent New Yorker profile on the man behind the gossip-site TMZ, Harvey Levin.
Posted at 03:05 PM on Thursday February 25, 2016 in category Lancelot Links