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Saturday July 16, 2016
Lancelot Links
- Mariners hitting coach Edgar Martinez, 53, takes batting practice, and proves he's still Senor Octobre.
- Rachel Axler's satire of glossy magazine profiles of Hollywood stars (female) is great, but it's killer when you read the specific Vanity Fair feature on Margot Robbie that it's sending up.
- Former “Fox and Friends” co-star Gretchen Carlson sues Fox chairman Roger Ailes for sexual harassment. Not to get all Molly Bloom about this, but: Yes, yes, yes!!
- You get the feeling she could've sued him for ageism, too.
- The best thing about the new “Maya & Marty” Show on network TV is the return of Short's Jiminy Glick. His interview with Jerry Seinfeld is one of his best.
- “The Boys of '36,” a doc based on Daniel Brown's book, “The Boys in the Boat,” begins airing on PBS on August 2. Mark your calendars.
- Via Media Matters: What the media should know about GOP VP candidate Mike Pence. Turns out he's the usual Koch-Bros.-backed, NRA-supported, anti-unionist who cuts taxes for the wealthy and caps minimum wage and employee benefits for the rest of us. Oh, and a climate-science denier, too. But that goes with “Koch-Bros.-backed.”
- A few days ago, Seattle Times columnist Danny Westneat wrote a piece on how former King County Executive Ron Sims, an African American, has been pulled over eight times by the cops for no apparent reason. “I didn't get into a lot of the details because I figured most readers already accepted that Driving While Black was a thing,” he writes. “Oh man, was I ever wrong about that.”
- Best piece in the aftermath of Castille/Sterling/five Dallas cops is by Evan Osnos: “The Silence and Violence of the NRA.”
- Must-read of the week: Last week's New York Times Magazine cover story on how a fallible $2 drug field test is sending innocent people to prison. Tidbit for the pro-torture, pro-“24” crowd: Innocent people tend to plead guilty more quickly than the guilty.
Posted at 10:29 AM on Saturday July 16, 2016 in category Lancelot Links