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Tag Search Result for Mitt Romney
- Loser
- Tweet of the Day
- Stephen Colbert Ain't Joking Around
- NPR Thought It Thaw a Thaw
- When Romney was the Most Honest Man in the Race
- Quote of the Day
- Why Obama Won; Why Romney Lost
- Status Updates from the 2012 Election
- Quote of the Day
- Endorsement of the Day: Susan Eisenhower Endorses Barack Obama for Re-Election
- Endorsement of the Day: Colin Powell Signs on for 'Long Patrol with Pres. Obama'
- Former Mossad Chief for Obama, Warns Romney's Rhetoric Against U.S. Interests
- 'One of the Most Successful Foreign Policies of Any Administration'
- Quote of the Day
- I'd Like to Apologize to All Women on Behalf of All Men
- Gaffes, Blunders, Walkbacks and Lies: A Week-by-Week Retrospective of the Year in Mitt
- Absent Fathers, Powerful Fathers
- 'Romnesia'
- Lies, Damned Lies and Mitt Romney
- Not What We Do
- Man of the People, Mitt of the Sons
- The Second Debate: Romney Creates a Meme
- Lancelot Links
- Transaction Man
- Why Obama Now
- Facts Don't Speak for Themselves: Obama's Worrisome Conciliatory Nature
- Lancelot Links
- Lancelot Links
- Mitt Romney Drives I-5 to Chehalis
- Your Liberal Media at Work: The Times' Awful Puff-Piece on the New Mitt RomneyAnnotated
- Quote of the Day
- 7 Quotes of the Day on Paul Ryan
- Lancelot Links
- Lancelot Links
- Quotes of the Day
- Quote of the Day
- Why Mitt and Ann Romney are Just Like You: Scrimping By with a Seven-Bedroom Colonial and a 5,000-Foot Lakefront Vacation Home
- Bullshit of the Week: the Hilary Rosen Fiasco
- Quote of the Day