erik lundegaard


Thursday October 26, 2023

Xs on X's Eyes

Here's the Business Insider headline: 

The banks which loaned Elon Musk money to help buy Twitter expect to lose $2 billion on the debt, report says

Key stats:

  • Downloads of the app (once Twitter, now X) fell by almost 30% in just three months
  • A marketing firm says only two of the world's biggest advertisers advertised on Twitter/X last month
  • Fidelity has marked Twitter's valuation down by 2/3

A key graf:

Bankers close to the deal told The Journal that X could be given a junk-bond rating, meaning it is at risk of defaulting on the loans, due to both Musk's controversial management style and a waning ad market.

My farewell post, nearly a year ago:

I've said it before: If you had told me to destroy Twitter without anyone knowing I was destroying Twitter, I wouldn't have been able to come up with half the stuff Musk has done in supposed service to the company. So I guess, in a way, he is a genius.

Posted at 02:19 PM on Thursday October 26, 2023 in category Technology