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The Cagneys
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935)
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Sunday February 02, 2025
Why Amazon Wins
Shortly after New Year's, I saw a cat sleeping bag that looked kind of fun, and that might encourage our cat Griffey to sleep more often with us. I know my wife wants that. So I showed her the video ad on Instagram, she approved, we ordered.
Ever since, at various intervals, I've gotten an email update about where in the world it is. They're almost like emails from friends who are traveling abroad and let you know what they've been up to while you've schlepping away—just totally far removed from your own life. It's like the sleeping bag is Flat Stanley and we get snapshots of its adventures. Here it is at the Colosseum. Here it is at the Eiffel Tower. Here it is at the Statue of Liberty.
I like that they give us the whole timeline, that they're not trying to fool us about how long it's taking. This Friday it'll be a month since I ordered it. I'm not even on Instagram any longer. We've switched presidents. I've aged a year.
I'll be sure to update this post when the sleeping bag finally arrives. If it arrives.
Feb. 2: Des Moines, Iowa, USA