erik lundegaard


Sunday October 27, 2024

What to Call the Fourth Indiana Jones Movie?

Per Brian Jay Jones' “George Lucas: A Life,” these were some of the options they considered over the years, particularly as Lucas and Steven Spielberg debated whether there should be aliens in the thing (Spielberg was against it, initially), and if so, how much?

  • Indiana Jones and the Saucermen from Mars
  • Indiana Jones and the City of the Gods
  • Indiana Jones and the Atomic Ants
  • Indiana Jones and the Destroyer of Worlds
  • Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls

Eventually they singularized the last one and went with that. Shame. The first and third options have a fun 1950s vibe to them. All that schlock Lucas and Spielberg grew up on, then regurgitated back to the masses with A-production values.

Posted at 03:59 PM on Sunday October 27, 2024 in category Movies