erik lundegaard


Monday December 26, 2022

What is Gene Wilder 'Known For'?

For once, IMDb's “Known For” algorithm gets it right. Mostly...

Yes, yes, yes ... huh? 

Of all the movies Wilder made with Richard Pryor, that one? I actually saw “See No Evil, Hear No Evil” in a theater, possibly the Skyway in downtown Minneapolis, on a sad day in 1989. It was a sad day because I saw “See No Evil, Hear No Evil” and experienced the fall of a great comic duo. Other critics felt the same. It's got a 27% on Rotten Tomatoes. Roger Ebert dismissed it sadly: “The possibilities for visual comedy with this idea are seemingly endless, but the movie chooses instead to plug the characters into a dumb plot about industrial espionage.”

So why is it fourth on the IMDb Wilder list rather than better Wilder-Pryor teamups like “Stir Crazy” or “Silver Streak”? Maybe because IMDb's users rate it about the same:

Now that's depressing. They've also voted on it twice as much. Because it streamed somewhere and the others didn't? And masses of doofuses descended on IMDb to show their approval? But that wouldn't explain why the others are rated so low. I'd think both “Silver Streak” and “Stir Crazy” would be low to mid 7s. Are they really not that good? Were we wrong back then?

Oddly, on Richard Pryor's IMDb page, he's “known for” “Silver Streak” more than “See No Evil,” which are Nos. 3 and 4 on his list. Nos. 1 and 2? “Superman III” and “Bustin' Loose.” Another sigh.

And, as my brother reminded me, where the hell is “Blazing Saddles” for Wilder?

Posted at 06:41 AM on Monday December 26, 2022 in category Movies