erik lundegaard


Friday December 15, 2017


Here are the box office totals—domestic, international and worldwide—for the five “Transformers” movies. Pay attention in particular to the last column: each movie's rank in terms of worldwide box office the year it was released. The series rose and rose and rose, and then...

2007 Transformers $709.70 $319.20 $390.50 5
2009 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen $836.30 $402.10 $434.20 4
2011 Transformers: Dark of the Moon $1,123.80 $352.40 $771.40 2
2014 Transformers: Age of Extinction $1,104.10 $245.40 $858.60 1
2017 Transformers: The Last Knight $605.40 $130.20 $475.30 13*

* And counting (down)

Splat. The last was least.

No. 13 worldwide for the year (or #14 after “Last Jedi” gets rolling) would generally get you high-fives all around—unless the previous iteration was No. 1 worldwide and grossed half a billion more. 

I read somewhere that Mark Wahlberg says he's leaving the franchise, but, given the above, would they want him back? I wouldn't be surprised if Dwayne Johnson gets the call, but how many more of these stupid franchises can he save? Or maybe they meld it with the “Fast and Furious” franchise? Fast, Furious and Transformed. Dom rides around in Optimus Prime. Why not? Both turned from face to heel in their most recent movies. It's all WWE now—in the movies and in the White House. It's movies and democracy transformed into idiocracies. 

Posted at 10:50 PM on Friday December 15, 2017 in category Movies - Box Office