erik lundegaard


Sunday January 22, 2012

The Most Filmed Character, Cont.: IMDb's Help Desk

Remember this post about the most filmed character ever? Of course you do. You're an avid reader.

In my search for the most filmed character, I wound up settling on Santa Claus (814 times) and Jesus Christ (350 times), but was curious if it was possible to sort IMDb's archive for a more comprehensive and accurate list. Wouldn't this be worthwhile? Wouldn't it tell us the kinds of stories that matter to us? And wouldn't this give us some indication of who we are as a people?

I suggested as such when I wrote IMDb's Help Desk.

Here's the answer I received:


Thanks for your message. I am afraid we do not have this feature, sorry.

The IMDb Help Desk

What marvelous things IMDb could do with its database. What it's doing instead.

Three of the Most Filmed Characters

Posted at 09:50 AM on Sunday January 22, 2012 in category Movies