erik lundegaard


Saturday January 19, 2013

Reader Quote of the Day

“This could have been an interview with Condoleezza Rice. ... [Kathryn Bigelow's] basic argument: 'People tortured people. After that torture took place, we got Bin Laden. Please reach your own conclusion.' That's like if someone were to say, I dunno, 'Islamic terrorists perpetrated 9/11. In Iraq, the government is Islamic and has done some terrorist-like activities. 'Nuff said.'”

-- Andrew Reed, on yesterday's blog post, “The Annotated Kathryn Bigelow Editorial,” in which she defends, kind of, her film “Zero Dark Thirty.” Reed's synopsis of Bigelow's basic argument is the best I've read anywhere: New Yorker, Salon, Daily Dish.

Posted at 08:03 AM on Saturday January 19, 2013 in category Quote of the Day