erik lundegaard


Wednesday September 12, 2012

Quote of the Day

John Lundin's tweet about the recent deaths in Libya and what caused them

I thought of Lundin's tweet about the deaths at the American embassy in Libya yesterday while driving home from work. The deaths occurred to protest Sam Becile's anti-Islam movie, “The Innocence of Muslims,” which Jeffrey Welles calls a ridiculous, “grade-z” movie. Some wonder whether Sam Becile is a real person. (Sam Becile? Imbecile?) Some wonder whether the movie is a real movie.

What made me think of Lundin's tweet again was the song that played on the car stereo: Steve Earle's “Little Emperor,” written for George W. Bush. In particular, these lines:

Hey Little Hypocrite
What you gonna say
When you wind up standin' naked
On the final Judgement Day
How you gonna justify it
Who you gonna call
What if it turns out that
God don't look like you at all

For all the above idiots.

Posted at 05:18 PM on Wednesday September 12, 2012 in category Quote of the Day