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Saturday October 10, 2009
Lancelot Links
- Here's a good piece by my friend Jessica Thompson, who's lived in India for a year now, on the sexual harassment—called “Eve teasing”—there: “Eve teasing is to sexual harassment what Delhi Belly is to projectile vomiting and diarrhea: both are really ugly things hidden behind a cute name.”
- Jeff Wells begins the end-of-decade ceremonies with his top 37 (37?) films of 2000-2009. It's a fun list—particularly his no. 1 choice. Have only vaguely thought about my top list, but it would include “The Pianist” (his no. 9) and “United 93” (his no. 5). What else would I have? “Yi Yi”? “Spider-Man 2”? “Munich”? “Brokeback Mountain,” definitely. That movie just gets better with age. What about you? What movies in this decade stand out in your mind?
- Is “web” really the proper metaphor for this thing? It works, although not with the verb. You crawl a web while we claim to surf this one—and surfing is much cooler than what we do here. The metaphor that comes to my mind is pinball. I bounce from spot to spot. I careen the Pinball. The other day I visited Jeff Wells again, and he bounced me to this James Rocchi piece on MSN about press junkets in general and “Couples Retreat”'s in particular, and after reading one sentence I sought more of Rocchi and bounced all over the place. Found this MSN review on “Transformers 2,” which definitely echoes my feelings about that abomination: “Where the first film was desperate, this one is desperate and sad. Where the first film sent mixed messages about ethnic and racial groups and women, this one is overtly racist and sexist. Where the first 'Transformers' was clumsy, 'Revenge of the Fallen' is paralyzed with its own stupidity.” Rocchi's own site is here.
- Some good lines from Anthony Lane on “The Invention of Lying”: “ for the soundtrack, it’s like being haunted by the ghost of Easy Listening Past. Supertramp and the Electric Light Orchestra are one thing, but Donovan: there’s no excuse. And what really galls is not the songs themselves but the greasy way in which they are wrapped around crucial passages of action, to muffle any awkward transitions; thus, once Mark has armed himself with white lies, he strolls off to reassure all the other miserable folk we have encountered so far—old-timers, bums on the street, a bickering couple—with a smile and a word in their ears. But what word? We can’t tell, because Elvis Costello is busy belting out “Sitting” by the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens.”
- The New York Times' business column is becoming more of a must-read every day, particularly David Carr's on Monday and David Leonhardt's on Wednesday. This week, Carr wrote a sober, infuriating piece on the $66 million in bonuses delivered to Tribune Co. managers who mostly axed reporters to increase profits...which mostly went to them. Funny how that works. Leonhardt, on Wednesday, wrote of the excesses of left and right economic thinking, and who on the right (Bruce Bartlett) is finally going beyond “cut taxes” as a means to economic stimulus. We'll see how it plays. A smart voice on the right would be a nice change.
- Not all these links are worth clicking on, by the way. This is one. I'm sure you heard about it: The First Lady has white, slave-owning ancestors. That's the big story. A bigger story for me is that Mrs. Obama's great-great-grandfather, Dolphus T. Shields, the first child born to Melvina Shields, who was born into slavery, co-founded the First Ebeneezer Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala., which was pivotal in the civil rights movement. It's amazing, on the one hand, how carefully the Times tells its story, and, on the other, how carelessly. “While [Melvina] was still a teenager, a white man would father her first-born son under circumstances lost in the passage of time.” That's in the second graf. I would definitely lose “under circumstances lost in the passage of time,” which is, given the circumstances, so romantic a phrase as to be close cousin to “under circumstances now...gone with the wind!” Plus the quotes from Edward Ball, “a historian who discovered that he had black relatives, the descendants of his white slave-owning ancestors,” are embarrassing: “We are not separate tribes,” he says. “We've all mingled, and we've done so for generations.” Nice verb: mingled.
- Finally a must-read by another friend, Jim Walsh, in Southwest Journal in Minneapolis, on the funeral of the father of a friend. Jim's the real deal. Not just as a writer.
Tags: David Carr, Anthony Lane
Posted at 08:28 AM on Saturday October 10, 2009 in category Lancelot Links