erik lundegaard


Sunday July 05, 2015

It's Still Jurassic's World, as 'Magic Mike' Suffers Shrinkage and 'Terminator: Genisys' Goes Hasta La Vista, Baby

A few fun facts about this weekend's box office:

  • “Jurassic World” grossed another $30.9 million and has now passed “The Dark Knight” for 4th place on the all-time domestic box-office chart, with $558.1 million. Next up is “The Avengers” at $623.3. Then it's Cameron country: “Titanic” at $658.6 and “Avatar” at $760.5. “J-Dub” won't get that far. I doubt it'll get past “The Avengers” even.
  • Adjust for inflation, and “Jurassic World” is currently in 38th place, between “Home Alone” ($550) and “Independence Day” ($562). Nothing to sneeze at. 
  • This weekend, “J World” and “Inside Out” are currently within $1 million of each other for first place. If “Jurassic” winds up winning, it'll be the first movie to win the weekend box office four times in a row since ... well, since “Furious 7” in April. But before that, you have to go back to “Guardians of the Galaxy.” Then the first “Hunger Games” in 2012. Then “Avatar” in 2009. Then “The Passion of the Christ” in 2004. So it's not a common occurence. And two in one calendar year? That hasn't happened since both “Meet the Parents” and “The Grinch” lasted four weekends in 2000. 
  • “Terminator: Genisys” finished in third place for the weekend with a $28.7 million debut. It's the weakest debut for any “Terminator” movie since the first, which grossed $4 mil in 1984. 
  • Of course “T:G” did officially open on Wednesday, so if you add Wed. and Thurs. to the mix, that makes a $44 mil debut. But even that would just equal the debut of “T3” back in 2003. Unadjusted. 
  • Adjust for inflation and the “T” movies have been on a downward trajectory since “T2,” which grossed $395 adjusted. Then it's “T3” with $202 and “TS” with $136. You get the feeling that “TG” will be less than that. I.e., TS for “TG.” 
  • “Magic Mike XXL” also debuted poorly, grossing $26.6 since Wednesday and only $11 for the weekend. Cf. “Magic Mike,” which opened to $39 mil three years ago. 
  • But I think “Ted 2” is hurting even more. After debuting poorly last weekend, it fell off a whopping 67% for an $11 mil weekend. After 10 days, it has now grossed $58; after three days, the original “Ted” grossed $54. 

Here are the rest of the numbers.

UPDATE: OK, here are the rest of the numbers. As I mentioned above, less than $1 mil separated “Jurassic” from “Inside Out,” and in the adjustment (down), the latter came out on top: $29.7 to $29.2. So “Jurassic” didn't join that rare breed of modern movie to stay on top four weekends in a row. Worldwide, though, it is at $1.383 billion, which is sixth all-time. Interestingly, No.s 4, 5 and 6 are all still in theaters: “Furious,” “Avengers/Ultron” and “J-Dub.”

Posted at 07:59 PM on Sunday July 05, 2015 in category Movies - Box Office