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Sunday February 22, 2015
GREAT 'Birdman' Spoof to Open Spirit Awards
Saw it via Jeff Wells' “Hollywood Elsewhere” site. Guy doesn't miss a beat. Except for the “Lincoln” debacle, in which he told Daniel Day-Lewis how to act. Plus his odd “42” poster defense, where he gave tips on baserunning to Jackie Robinson. But ... you know.
Here's another “Birdman” spoof, which is less exact but brings a bigger smile: “Big Birdman.”
There will be more of these spoofs. That's how iconic the movie already is.
Oh, as for Spirit Award winners for best independent films? “Birdman,” Richard Linklater, Michael Keaton, Julianne Moore, J.K. Simmons, Patricia Arquette, “Ida,” Dan Gilroy (screenplay).