erik lundegaard

Saturday April 27, 2013


I‘ve been paying so little attention to the news this week that I didn’t know why the five living presidents got together, why George H.W. Bush was wearing pink socks (which I liked), and why George W., his ne‘er-do-well son (and a truer compound adjective was never used), was the center of attention. Then I read past the headlines: The George W. Bush Presidential Library. Cue “The Pet Goat” jokes.

Seeing W. with H.W., and surrounded by Dems, and hearing echoes of the usual bullshit from the far right, who seem to know nothing but the smell of their own bullshit these days (I’m talking the FOX-News/Rush Limbaugh/Glenn Beck triumverate), I flashed back to a good early 1990s R.E.M. song called “Drive.” Great opening lyrics. Back then, it really fit H.W. and the War on Drugs. Now it fits W. and his War on Terror. Astonishly so.

It begins:

Smack, crack, bushwhacked
Tie another one to the racks, baby
Hey kids, rock and roll
Nobody tells you where to go, baby

The smack/crack is for the first Bush, tying another one to the racks for the second.

There are about two dozen videos of the song on YouTube, none particularly good, but the song's genius. Love the dead way Michael Stipe sings, “Nobody tells you where to go. Baby.”

Ollie Ollie in come free.

George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush at the opening of the latter's presidential library

Hey kids, shake a leg/ Maybe you're crazy in the head, baby

Posted at 07:55 AM on Saturday April 27, 2013 in category Music  
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