erik lundegaard


Saturday July 28, 2012

2012 Box Office Trivia Question

The highest-grossing movies of the year thus far, domestic, are no surprise—although I think we thought Spidey would do better. And the full ramifications of the Aurora shootings aren't in yet for “The Dark Knight Rises.”

Here are the top 5, as of Sunday morning:

  1. THE AVENGERS: $615 million
  2. THE HUNGER GAMES: $405 million
  3. THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: $235 million
  4. THE DARK KNIGHT RISES: $225 million
  5. THE LORAX: $214 million

By the end of the weekend, “Dark Knight” will surpass Spidey, and No. 6, Pixar's “Brave,” will surpass “The Lorax.” But that's not the question. Here's the question:

What is the highest-grossing live-action comedy of the year thus far?

Answer in the comments field.

Posted at 07:46 AM on Saturday July 28, 2012 in category Movies - Box Office